Wolf Paw | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wolf Paw Cyber Adoptions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
*PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT REAL IT IS A CYBER ADOPTION TO ADOPT PRETEND PETS* Hi Welcome to Wolfpaw Cyber Adoptions!!! Here you can adopt a cyber wolf and develop its diet, home and other things. What happens is you adopt one of our homeless wolves and you get and empty cage etc.. you have to go to the stores etc... to get stuff for your wolf. If i think your wolf is being mistreated it will go to the humane society. I know this is probably very confusing but it will make better sense as you go along Now you can enter the forest path.... You Enter a small wooded area and stumble across stumps and fallen branches. In the distance you see a small new looking building it had great sloping rooves and a large kennel outside with high fences. Your curiousity getting the best of you, you walk slowly through the doorway of the building. Inside the door there is something like a waiting room, seeing an empty seat you sit down beside a woman holding a pet carier on her lap and its to dark to see whats inside. On the opposite wall there is a large counter and behind it sat 3 woman wearing white coats .Scientists you guess sizing them up. After nearly 10 minutes you see one of the woman wave to you and signal you to come over, you walk carfully to the counter and takw the paper the woman was holding out to you. Here is what the paper lokes like: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
To Whom this may concern; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dear New Member, Hello i am Kayla Chambers the president of the Cyber wold adoption center. I started this organization to help save all these wolves from imprisonment in steel cells in zoos, or ones that have been injured int he wild and are unable to live there anymore. The point of this society is so people like you can adopt, and care for a cyber wolf. I make this game as realistic as possible so the wolves do die, multifly and get sick. If you want to adopt a wolf fil out the adoption form and we will review it carefully. After you adopt a Wolf you must buy it a habitat and make it feel like "home" you also havw to buy food. There is tons to do so have a blast and don;t let the howling freak you out!! Sincerely Kayla Chambers, President of the WPCA | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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